Benefits of TCA Peels For Tattoo and Permanent Makeup Removal


When you are looking to get a tattoo, you are looking towards getting something that will be forever, but what if you change your mind? The truth of the matter is that the only thing that we can really count on is change, and sometimes, a tattoo that you got months or years or decades ago might not really suit your life anymore. In other cases, you may find that you are no longer pleased with the permanent makeup that you have gotten, or you may be in a place where you are looking to try something else When you are looking to get rid of a tattoo, no matter why you got it in the first place, you will find that taking a look at TCA peels might be just what you are looking to do.

A TCA peel stands for a Trichloroacetic Acid peel and it is a process that has been used by cosmetic dermatologists to treat conditions as different as wrinkle reduction, relief from acne scars and the removal of fine lines. This treatment is one that is quite potent, and you will find that it is also extremely effective. There are many treatments out there when it comes to tattoo removal, but you will find that with a little bit of research that looking at TCA tattoo removal may be your most effective and economic option.

When you are looking at TCA peels, you will also find that you are using something that has a real history. The use of chemical peels to remove unwanted areas of skin as been practiced for centuries, and it was within the last twenty to thirty years that dermatologists have started looking into seeing how they can be used to give a controlled reaction from the chemicals that were in use.

It was discovered that TCA peels gave the best and most consistent results. Essentially, the TCA peel results in a controlled burn that will take off several layers of skin at once and revealing the fresh skin underneath. It is important to make sure that only a 20-45% TCA solution is used; if a stronger solution is used, there is a chance that there will be some chance of scarring and darkening of the skin.

When you are looking at the TCA peel, you might be wondering what goes into it. The truth is that it is very simple and straightforward. Despite the word "acid," a TCA peel is actually not as painful as the other methods that are commonly used to get rid of tattoos. At the end of the treatment, many people compare it to sunburn or windburn. You will find that you also have the option of doing at home, on your own or having a dermatologist do it. Whether you choose to go the solo route or to get a professional to do it for you is largely considered up to you. You will find that it all depends on how steady your hand is.

How does TCA remove a tattoo? Essentially , when you get ready to use a TCA peel, you will swab up some of the acid on a q-tip and then you will distribute it on your skin. Essentially, the chemical peel will create an inflammation in the skin above the tattoo. This inflammation will make the ink in your tattoo break apart and then travel to the top of the layer of dead skin, even as new skin is forming underneath this. One of the real advantages of this method is that the acid is just providing the catalyst for your body doing what it would be doing anyway. Although there is no bona fide natural process for getting rid of a tattoo, this one might come the closest.

In two weeks, often less, you will find that the treated skin will peel off. After the skin has sloughed off of your body, you will often find that the tattoo in question is significantly lighter in shade, but that it is definitely not gone yet. A TCA peel will often take multiple sessions to do its work completely, and it will be safe to do another one in roughly six weeks. While you will find that TCA peels can be applied sooner, it is actually best to wait and to let all of traces of the chemical peel leave your body before trying another one. When you are looking for complete removal of a tattoo, remember that you might be looking at several sessions before you get the result that you are after. You will also find that darker colors tend to take longer to fade than lighter ones.

When you are looking at the risks that go along with this treatment, do keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to things. For instance, if you have very sensitive skin, you will want to consult with a dermatologist before you try this procedure, and you might find that you want a professional to help you take care of it. On the other hand, you may find that if you have been working with a 20% solution and that you are not getting the results that you want that you should find a different formula that will give you a more dramatic result.

If you are in a place where you are looking to remove a tattoo or permanent makeup, you will find that figuring out what a TCA peel can do for you is an important thing. Take some time and make sure that you think about the results that you are looking for, and if you have any doubts, take the time to run them by a dermatologist. When you want a clean slate in more ways than one, take some time and figure out what this treatment can do for you!

One more extremely important item to remember is that "Not all TCAs are Created Equal!" This is to say that many sellers of TCA are not reputable. Some even sell diluted solutions at exorbitant prices.

Some will actually sell you the TCA without any real directions on how to safely apply and use it. THIS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS!

It is always best to find a TCA manufacturer / supplier / seller that has a proven Track Record of client results and actual photos.

When you do find the right TCA Tattoo Removal Kit, you will "know" it! You will find that there are kits that are professionally produced and manufactured. They will have outstanding prices, low worldwide shipping, and come with totally complete instructions on how to use and apply it. YOU CAN NOT HELP BUT SEE THE TOTAL PROFESSIONALISM. Visible results and safety are paramount!


Source by Allen Pollick

Meanings of Common Flower Tattoo Designs You Must Know


Girls mostly prefer pretty flower tattoos. When girls think of getting a tattoo for the first time, the first idea that crosses their mind will always be a flower they like the most. This is how flower tattoos came into being. Recently, many designs in flower tattoos have come up that are eye-catching. But take care in deciding the flower since they do have some meanings.

There are many beautiful flowers such as roses, lotuses, daisies, lilies, orchids, sunflower, jasmine, and so on. Be certain to understand the correct meanings prior to getting one. In general, flowers are regarded as sweet, beautiful and serene. Flowers have always been linked to women. In addition, they may also stand for love, beauty and procreation sometimes.

The following gives a list of flowers and their respective meanings.

Rose Tattoo Designs – Roses have been known to represent love since long ago. It indeed shows true love in its purest form, since though a rose is beautiful outwardly, the thorns it has on its stem can prick and bleed you, indicate that love comes along with vast sacrifices.

Lotus Tattoo Designs – Lotus has been a sacred flower representing purity and spirituality. It is presented to God with pure devotion by people following Hinduism and Buddhism. It is prominent in the Asian culture. Indeed the lotus is the national flower of India.

Jasmine Tattoo Designs – This is similar to rose only in meaning, but very different in reality. In Indian culture, it represents love. Though the flower is not visible, its fragrance spreads everywhere and fills the room with its aroma. It reminds a person of their loved ones even if the lover is not present in the scene.

Orchid Tattoo Designs – It is a symbol of sex and reproduction. Apart from this symbolism, it also means beauty, love and many feminine characteristics.

Lily Tattoo Designs – Its white petals symbolizes innocence and purity. Still in some cultures, it may represent physical love.

Sunflower Tattoo Designs – This represents many meanings. In Indian culture, it is a symbol of our love to the Sun or God. Sometimes it symbolizes the sun in a beautiful manner. Many assume that it is just some aimless love for the sun and represents infatuation. In short, it does not indicate true love.

Just remember this before getting an orchid, lily or sunflower tattoo design, since you may tattoo them assuming the wrong symbolism.


Source by Neil J. Francis

Movie Vs Book – Which Do You Prefer?


If you asked anyone today the following question; "Movie vs book, which do you prefer?" The popular answer would be a movie if the demographic were 21 or under. Since movies are far and above a much sexier entertainment medium, most people would rather be entertained with a higher level experience that combines visual and audio effects to stimulate the senses.

There is no doubt that movies and film have penetrated deep into our society and culture. Movies can stimulate and influence attitudes and drive major behaviors across a mass audience. Whether blockbuster action films or love stories that tug at our heart strings, movies try to deliver a promise that the audience will be taken into another place and time where fantasy and reality are easily crossed.

The question then becomes, is a Movie really a better entertainment medium for those who have read the book? Most often than not, the customer would say "No, the book was better". This then begs the question, why are we biased toward a story that resides on plain white paper as better entertainment than any studio can muster on the big screen with mega budgets and high profile stars? The answer is imagination.

When reading a book, we are so engrossed into the story line that our mind's eye has crafted a picture and emotional response that is highly intense and real. With this in mind, a movie production would be hard pressed to match what we already have formed within our mental file cabinet.

So why do not more people read "a good book" on a lazy afternoon, rather than plunk down 10 bucks on a quick fix? The answer is time. Comparatively speaking, the amount of time an individual needs to escape into a good book is a much more significant commitment. With time being a major factor, we are naturally drawn into the marketing machine that influences our decision to make a minor time commitment of a couple of hours vs several days.

In conclusion, when asked "Movie vs Book, which is better?" the book will probably be the answer most given.


Source by Owen Roberts

Why Tattoos Fade and What You Can Do About it


The flip side of using permanent pigments is that the best ones are hazardous for human beings. Thus, the industry is left with a few viable alternatives. In most cases, quite light and permanent colors are used on humans. However, this may change. In the case of colors like yellow, purple, orange or magenta, the bleach fighting or the fade resistance capability of these colors may not be high. The colors fade due to the harmful ultraviolet rays of which the most importance source is the sun.

Getting a tattoo imprinted on your body does not mean that you need to hide or stay away from the sun. The excessive exposure in the sunlight may fade tattoos. But the rate of fading of tattoos is the same as our skin suffers from pigmentation when we are exposed to sunlight.

The application of the tattoos also plays an important role. The more experienced the artist, the better is the application of the pigment. This leads to the less fading of the tattoos.

It should also be kept in mind that the new tattoos seem to carry more ink in them. This is due to the presence of ink in both the dermis as well as the epidermis. However, the presence of ink in the epidermis branches out with the skin and consequently the tattoo fades away usually in the first or second year. This can be avoided if a skilled artist takes appropriate amount of time to get the tattoo done in the right way. Therefore, the artist should not be too speedy. We should consider it as a case of pixels in the digitalized photograph. The application of tattoo if done hastily can lead to lesser amount of ink striking into the skin. The tattoo would look nice in the initial years but then starts fading in the subsequent years. It is comparable to putting the printer to a fast mode rather than the best mode. The one which is fast gets faded fast but the other which comes out slowly looks bright and nice and stays the same for a longer period of time. The tattoo looks nice in the initial years because the ink is in the epidermis but slowly it starts fading out as the new skin comes out.

People often complain that their tattoo looks much older which in reality is the opposite. This can happen due to excessive exposure to the sun or negligence during the healing process or it may be the case that the pigment was not applied by the artist in the right manner.

As the skin grows old, the tattoo also becomes aged. This is an important fact that needs to be understood. If you want that the tattoo should always look beautiful and vibrant, then you need to take care of your skin. By doing so, the tattoo will also look fresh and nice.


Source by Neil T Jones

Great Outdoor Games Versus Video Games – The Great Debate


Many members of the older generation happily recall the days when back yard games – played outside — were the recreational activities of choice. Technological advancements have evolved into the overarching popularity of tech games. Today's generation wants, even demands, fasted paced entertainment with more techno-enhancements than ever. Top of the demand list? More interactive games.

Great outdoor games are the basis of interactive recreation. Really? Interactive techno video games versus classic lawn games? The great debate is on! Here's out totally unbiased comparison of the two 'platforms.'

Back Yard Games- Back to Basics

You can not have a debate on great outdoor games versus high tech without looking to where it all began. Before the Xbox, Playstation, or even Nintendo were even invented, people played the back yard games for recreation and entertainment. They were (and still are) used as a social 'glue' to bring people together for a common goal. Whether it's Bocce Ball, Badminton, Croquet or Tetherball, there is a classic back yard game for everyone.

There are even a wide variety of back yard activities geared entirely focused on kids. No matter who you are, the entertainment options for the great outdoors are a fun and very social experience.

Tech Entertainment – The Latest and Greatest?

The newcomer in the back yard games versus video games debate is, obviously, the video game. Video fans 'live for' the interaction they can experience while they are playing solo.

There is a smorgasbord of games and techno-complexities and platforms to choose from. Just like great outdoor games, there is something for everybody. From ninja combat to fantasy sports to racing games to cooking competitions, in this area, there is something for everyone as well.

Some tech gamers argue that, undeniably, sheer volume of popular play requires that video games should win the classic lawn games versus high tech games debate, hands down. Not so fast.

While video games are extremely huge, they just are not, can never or ever will be as social and human connectedness driven as classic lawn games. Talking through a virtual network through a headset is never going to be the same as direct eye to eye contact and human interaction with friends and family. Never, ever.

The Verdict

Of course, the bottom line in this debate as far as we're concerned is that the object is to have fun. Fun is personal preference which can change from time to time.

Here's an idea: maybe you do not have to choose between the two. You can have both. With friends, family and co-operative weather, do not overlook the value and importance of classic lawn games. Save the video games for the bad weather.

When it some to the great outdoor games versus video games debate, the answer is' everything in its time and place, moderation and there is room for both. They really do serve different purposes; they offer different ways of having fun. And fun is always a good thing.


Source by Andrea McCall

What is a Dual Zone Car DVD Player?


Knowing the answer to the question "What is a dual zone car DVD player?" can come in handy when the time has come to take the old jalopy down to the car stereo place and really begin getting it set up to be the rolling entertainment center it always wanted to be.

These days, having a good car DVD installed is almost mandatory if one hopes to be taken seriously as a true rolling-entertainment-center-on-wheels connoisseur. There's a question within that question above, though, and that deals with car DVD player zones.

Basically, what this means is that the car DVD is able to operate both as the entertainment center you want it to be while also carrying out other vital functions such as GPS navigation. A single zone player can only do one or the other, by the way, meaning that it can be a GPS device or an entertainment device but not both at the same time.

Dual zone car DVD players work on certain principles that basically have to do with how the computer and microprocessor chip in the unit divides up its assigned tasks. It's all very simple nowadays, and a processor will handle doling out available resources to keep not only the movies (and the good times) going but also keep you from getting lost while out on the wide-open road. This is a wonderful thing, it must be said.

There are a great many advantages to spending the relatively paltry extra money involved in getting a dual zone car DVD player. For one, you will not have to install some other sort of sound system if you go with a dual zone, which is something you have to do if you go with a single zone unit. For another, dual zone players just seem to be more capable at everything they do. This should not be underestimated as a factor.

The easiest way to tell if you have a single or dual zone car DVD player is to check to see if the player can not only play its music or movies but also perform another task or function while doing so. If it can, you're golden. If it can not, maybe it's time to upgrade a little. Problems involved in DVD zones usually have to do with spillover or interference with navigation, but that's pretty much about it. As long as there's sufficient processing power, everything's good.

Nowadays, a high quality dual zone car DVD player can be found at a certain very famous online auction site for well under $ 300. A 7 inch screen, iPod capability and GPS navigation are standard, along with the player being pretty much universal in terms of dashboards it can fit into. Just keep in mind that you want a dual zone, so always check to make sure it can handle two different tasks at the same time.


Source by Rose Li

Mastering the Art of Tattooing


The art of tattooing is one of the earliest art forms known to mankind. Tattooing has been a form of personal expression and body ornamentation since prehistoric times. Both tribal cultures and highly developed civilizations like ancient Rome and Egypt used tattooing as an art form. In every century and in countries all over the world, people have felt a strong desire to adorn their bodies with meaningful symbols and beautiful designs.

Today's tattooists must learn how to use equipment, including tattoo machines, needles and ink. They also must become familiar with modern sanitary procedures for tattooing.

Mastering this knowledge will make someone a proficient tattooist, but becoming a tattoo artist requires another level of skill. A successful tattoo artist must have a good understanding of basic artistic concepts like proportion, perspective and the use of color. The ability to draw well is another important skill for a tattoo artist. Much of this comes naturally to people who are born with artistic talent, but that does not mean that a dedicated tattooist can not learn and develop artistic skills. With time and practice, you can master the art of tattooing

Color Theory for the Art of Tattooing
The color of a tattoo is one of the first things that gets noticed. The use of color can make all the difference in the success or failure of a tattoo design. Gaining an understanding of how colors work together is an important step in mastering the art of tattooing. If you've never been exposed to color theory, enrolling in an art class at a community college is a great way to get started. You'll learn how the primary colors (red, yellow and blue) can be mixed to form all other colors, and how a color wheel shows which colors work well together.

Use of Contrast in Tattoos
One of the most important aspects of color in the art of tattooing is the use of contrast. Color contrast is what gives a tattoo design depth. The contrast can be in the amount of lightness and darkness (such as the contrast between white and black) or it can be in the colors themselves (such as the contrast between warm colors like yellow and orange and cool colors like blue and green). Contrast in colors will make one shape stand out from another or make a shape stand out from its background.

Composition and the Art of Tattooing
Composition refers to the flow of the design elements in a tattoo and how well they fit on the body part where they're tattooed. A client may come to a tattoo artist with a fixed idea about the design and placement of a tattoo. A good tattoo artist will know if the proportion of the design will work in the desired location. If it will not work, the tattoo artist must be ready to offer some alternative ideas. This may mean changing the scale of a design with a photocopier machine or cutting and pasting elements of one or more designs to create something new. Talented tattoo artist A understands That the most Successful tattoo designs mimic the flow of the BODY part where they 're 're applied.

Perspective and Depth in Tattoos
Applying the artistic theories of perspective and depth is what gives a tattoo a 3-dimensional quality. In tattooing, perspective and depth are achieved through the use of contrast, outline and shading. Being able to create the illusion of reality with depth and perspective is what sets a tattoo artist apart from a tattooist. These techniques can be learned in an art course or from an art book and practiced with pencil and paper. Unless you're a natural born artist, practice and experience are the only way to master these techniques.

Besides taking art courses and practicing, a beginner tattooist should spend time studying tattoo magazines and becoming familiar with the work of established tattoo artists. Tattoo magazines are an important resource for beginning tattooists. They showcase the finest designs that the world of tattooing has to offer. By reading tattoo magazines, aspiring tattoo artists can learn about the leading tattoo artists, become inspired, decide who they want to emulate and begin to create their own style.


Source by Chuck Palzno

Fiji Gay Bars


There are many reasons to visit Fiji there are the beaches, snorkeling and other things to do and when it is time for entertainment there are the Fiji gay bars that have live entertainment.

One of these is the Dive Kadavu Beach Resort, which has a lounge and bar with a full menu of drinks for relaxing at the end of the day. There is also Lucky Eddie's, which is located at 217 Victorian Parade and is a stylish bar that also attracts the local Fijian women. The bar is open late and has live entertainment.

While these are only two of the many bars on the island they are the most popular of Fiji's gay bars. There are other bars on the island that hold attraction for visitors and locals, such as the Piano Bar that is located at the Holiday Inn Suva. The Piano Bar features jazz singers along with a comfortable setting. There is the Rooftop Garden Bar that is located at the Town House Motel and provides a happy hour for their patrons. The Signals Night Club has live weekend entertainment and is located at 255 Victoria Parade.

There is the Bad Dog Café located on MacArthur Street that has a trendy wine bar with margaritas, sangria and imported beer. They also offer a Mexican menu and patrons are permitted to bring their own bottle. O'Reilly's Pub is a relaxed bar with a large screen for sports and while it is not a Fiji gay bar; it does offer an exciting evening of sports.


Source by Mirna Khoury

Top Old School Tattoo Designs For Real Manly Men Only


When someone thinks of an old school tattoo they usually conjure up images of a tattoo heart with a banner saying "Mom" going through it. However, there are a ton of really great old school tattoo designs. At one point in history these tattoo designs were relegated to the ruff and tumble guys. People like Bikers and sailors often were the main ones getting tattoos. During this time in history women did not get very many tattoos because it was not as socially acceptable.

However, the sailors and bikers were getting large forearm tattoo designs. If you have a grandfather or an uncle that was a sailor or in the military chances are he probably has a forearm tattoo. Well, like anything fashion cycles and things that once went out of fashion come back into fashion. This is so with old school tattoos. Recently due tot he major growth in the tattoo industry there has been a real rebirth of old school tattoos.

These designs have been combined with the new color inks readily available to make for some really hot looking designs. If you are thinking about getting such a design here are some places to start looking. It is not that you have to completely just copy of the older designs or styles. You can take the ideas and modify it for a modern application and a wonderful design that hearkens back an pays respect to those hardy men.

Sailor Jerry Tattoo Designs

Sailor Jerry is probably one of the most famous of the old school tattoo artists. There is a lot of history on the internet that can be found about Sailor Jerry. Essentially, he did his work from a small tattoo shop in Hawaii where Sailors were frequently stationed. He did a ton of really unique and original designs that people have really fallen in love with. You can find many of his designs on the internet these days as their has been a real renaissance of old school designs.


Another very popular theme among these designs is gambling. If you think about it one of the main vices that sailors and other ruffians had available to them at the time was gambling. Of course gambling was illegal a the time but this did not stop a ton of guys from getting cards, and dice as part of their tattoos.

Pin Up Girls

Of course if you were a sailor out at sea for long periods of time a pin up girl tattoo might be just the thing. Many of the guys back in the day got pinup girl tattoos. These have stuck around and always been popular however recently men and women are getting pinup girl designs. The truly sexy designs are often very eye catching.

Sailing Anchors and Ship

if you are a sailor then of course getting a ship or a anchor is a great tattoo idea. Many of the sailors would get big elaborators ship designs on their chest but also on their forearms. These might be of a ship they were stationed on or a pirate ship with a huge set of sails.

There are of course other designs out there such as the swallow, nautical stars and other such old school designs. So if you are looking for a tough manly tattoo design or just something that pays homage and respect to the history of tattooing then do a bit of research and choose a great looking old school tattoo design.


Source by Chris Ryerson

Jack Benny on Old Time Radio


One of the most celebrated comedians of old time radio was Benjamin Kubelsky, aka "Jack Benny." This Waukegan, Illinois native played several iconic roles in the colorful world of the entertainment industry. While his acting roots were born from his days on Vaudeville, his quick wit and rapier-like humor immediately earned him a place in Hollywood.

Benny's rise to stardom began in 1932, where he got his first big break with a guest appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. Network executives noticed his natural talent for radio hosting and he soon landed jobs to star in his own programs.

The most famous among his old radio shows was "The Jack Benny Show" which aired on CBS from the years 1950-1964. This notorious old radio sitcom was widely popular as Benny willingly made a mockery of himself. Benny portrayed a vain and pompous TV star named "Jack Benny" and the show revolved around his interactions with a motley cast and crew of unconventional characters.

In this popular comedy series, Benny delivered some of his finest works as his sharp and sometimes acerbic humor delivered night after night of entertainment to his fans. His flawless delivery of cutting lines and deadpan remarks truly made him one of the greatest comedians of the era.

It was during the program's airing that he met and married his wife, Sadye (Sadie) Marks who played several different roles throughout the series' lifetime. Her character would vary slightly from episode to episode. While the part she took was initially that of a supposed 'fan,' her acting skills inspired Benny's writers to create a more permanent place for her on the program. Thus the persona of Mary Livingstone, Jack's cheeky secretary was born.

What perhaps made "The Jack Benny Show" unique were the different humorous situations Benny constantly found himself in. This coupled with the refreshing and interesting guests who that were featured in the series made for a spectacular show. On an interview with Newsweek in 1947, he went on record to say, "Where would I be today without my writers, without Rochester, Dennis Day, Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, and Don Wilson?" The colorful mainstays of this old radio show were the perfect foil to both balance and showcase Jack's amazing panache for comedic farce.

Jack Benny's flair for entertainment transcended the realm of old time radio. His long running radio program "The Jack Benny Show" was adapted into a television series where he made a seemingly effortless transition from one media form to another. He also made a name for himself on the big screen with movies like "The Big Broadcast," and even gave an absolutely riveting performance on "To Be or Not to Be."

However, it was later revealed in his memoirs that his passion and first love was old time radio and went so far as to say, "By my second year in television, I saw that the camera was a man-eating monster. It gave a performer a close-up exposure that, week after week, threatened his existence as an interesting entertainer. "


Source by Elisa Sunflower