Top Reasons Why Teens Have Tattoos


For those who are not fans of tattoos, they sometimes wonder what motivates others, especially the teens to have these body drawings. We often result tattoos to rebellious and negative actions, but that is not always the case. Here are some reasons why they engage in that form of body art:

  1. Their compulsive behavior to feelings of love and revulsion, and strong admiration to anything (person, place, celebrities of all sorts, organizations, etc) motivate them to have those indelible marks. They opt to keep the memory alive by making their bodies canvasses for the ensigns or logos, names, and other representations.
  2. Teenagers are also noted to possess intense artistic desires. Not withstanding the pain factor behind the process, they are willed to have piercing and tattoo just to express these desires. Even in the choice of sports, as a form of art, teenagers are not thoughtful about body injuries such as the case of skateboarding, roller skating, biking, and other similar death defying sports. They are more into the satisfaction and expression of their desires than any following any norm.
  3. The younger generation is easily influenced by media. Advertisements of what's cool and hip catch their attention and soon they already have the latest garments, gadgets, hobbies, and other trendy stuff. Since tattoos are considered an IN thing nowadays, teenagers are egged on to have one themselves. To complement their interests they now pick the designs of their choice. They feel that they are fashionable and updated with the current trend in their generation.
  4. Along with the media influence, peer pressure also plays a part as to why teens have tattoos. Having those make them feel that they belong to their age group. Sometimes a group of girlfriends will have the same design to signify their 'friendship'.

This permanent inking may not be good for the parents or other adults but one way to show understanding and support to teenagers is to simply accept their unique interests. With proper guidance, all their actions will be done responsibly and at the same time they are not left out compared to their peers.


Source by Jamie T. Harvey

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